
Xinmi City,Henan,China

Reject Separator for Waste Paper Pulp

Reject Separator for Waste Paper Pulp

The Reject Separators are essential for removing sludge to ensure the quality of the final pulp product. High-quality pulp is a prerequisite for the production of high-grade paper and paper products. Reject Separators can offer significant cost savings. By recovering cleaner pulp, mills can reduce chemical usage in the bleaching and refining processes and minimize waste management costs associated with handling contaminated pulp.


The Reject Separator is an essential paper pulping equipment in the pulping line and is guardian of quality and efficiency. By effectively removing undesirable materials, these Reject Separators not only improve the purity of the pulp, but also increase operational efficiency, cost savings, and industry sustainability.


With the continuous development of technological progress, Leizhan’s paper making equipment and pulping equipment are also constantly improving, further consolidating its important role and position in the modern pulp and paper making process. If you want to learn about our products and optimize your equipment, please feel free to contact us!
Email: whiteboardpapermachine@gmail.com

    Contact Us

    Zhengzhou Leizhan Technology Paper Machinery Co., Ltd.


    Xinmi City


    Business Hours

    Monday - Saturday: 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m

    Sunday: Rest